Jun 14 2023 63 mins
Dr Jessica Boland shares her experiences as a hard-of-hearing/deaf academic in science and technology, and her passion for improving accessibility in higher education. Oxford University Annual Disability Lecture 2023
'Terahertz, Topology and Telecoil Loops: Going beyond standards’
Dr Jessica Boland (https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/jessica.boland) is an award-winning Lecturer and UKRI Future Leader Fellow in electrical engineering at the University of Manchester. She is passionate about improving accessibility in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM). An active member of Tigers in STEMM (https://www.tigerinstemm.org/home), she features in the Royal Society’s series Celebrating scientists with disabilities (https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/diversity-in-science/scientists-with-disabilities/).
Dr Boland details her career journey from a physics undergraduate to an electrical engineering lecturer at the University of Manchester. She shares her experiences as a hard-of-hearing/deaf academic working in STEMM. She discusses pushing beyond standards – both in her research, where she is exploring new topological quantum materials for technology, and in her everyday working life, striving for accessibility in higher education.
To download a transcript of the 2023 Disability Lecture, use the following link(s):
Transcript - PDF version (download) https://media.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/admin/disability/2023-06-14-admin-2023-disability-boland-TRANSCRIPT.pdf
Transcript - Microsoft Word version (download) https://media.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/admin/disability/2023-06-14-admin-2023-disability-boland-TRANSCRIPT.docx
'Terahertz, Topology and Telecoil Loops: Going beyond standards’
Dr Jessica Boland (https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/jessica.boland) is an award-winning Lecturer and UKRI Future Leader Fellow in electrical engineering at the University of Manchester. She is passionate about improving accessibility in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM). An active member of Tigers in STEMM (https://www.tigerinstemm.org/home), she features in the Royal Society’s series Celebrating scientists with disabilities (https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/diversity-in-science/scientists-with-disabilities/).
Dr Boland details her career journey from a physics undergraduate to an electrical engineering lecturer at the University of Manchester. She shares her experiences as a hard-of-hearing/deaf academic working in STEMM. She discusses pushing beyond standards – both in her research, where she is exploring new topological quantum materials for technology, and in her everyday working life, striving for accessibility in higher education.
To download a transcript of the 2023 Disability Lecture, use the following link(s):
Transcript - PDF version (download) https://media.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/admin/disability/2023-06-14-admin-2023-disability-boland-TRANSCRIPT.pdf
Transcript - Microsoft Word version (download) https://media.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/admin/disability/2023-06-14-admin-2023-disability-boland-TRANSCRIPT.docx