Mar 05 2025 81 mins 33
Contributor(s): Professor Lilie Chouliaraki, Professor Rosalind Gill, Radha Sarma Hegde, Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen | Why is being a victim such a potent identity today? Who claims to be a victim, and why? How have such claims changed in the past century? Who benefits and who loses from the struggles over victimhood in public culture? In this timely and incisive book, Lilie Chouliaraki shows how claiming pain is about claiming power: who deserves to be protected as a victim and who should be punished as a perpetrator. She argues that even if suffering is universal, this "politics of pain" is deeply embedded within power relations and ultimately privileges the voices of the powerful over those of the powerless. Unless we come to recognize the suffering of the vulnerable for what it is—a matter not of victimhood but of injustice—Chouliaraki powerfully warns, the culture of victimhood will continue to perpetuate old exclusions and enable further injuries.