In this first episode of 'All Things EAP' Laura, Sanchia and Carrie talk about how they got into teaching EAP, what they think the current issues are in EAP and where they think EAP might find itself in the future. They discuss the challenges and complexities of being an EAP practitioner with reference to their personal experiences and contexts.
Laura Richards, (University of Leeds)
Sanchia Rodrigues (University of Warwick)
Carrie Qian (Xi'an Jiatong-Liverpool University)
Recommended resources:
Bruce, I. & Bond, B.(eds) (2022) Contextualizing English for Academic Purposes in Higher Education: Politics, Policies and Practices. Bloomsbury.
Kachru, B. (1985). Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism: English language in the outer circle. In R. Quirk and H. Widowson (Eds.), English in the world: Teaching and learning the language and literatures (p. 11-36). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BALEAP 2023 Biennial Conference: Caution! EAP under DEconstruction
[0:47] Episode introduction
[03:18] Feature discussion
[04:28] When someone asks you what you do for a living, how do you answer?
[07:46] What do we as practitioners think of when we think of EAP?
[12:34] Has the background of new EAP practitioners changed?
[15:17] Are we diverse?
[17:10 ] How do you feel about the distinction between native speaker and competent language teacher whose first language is not necessarily English?
[21:04] Would an EAP specific qualification have made you feel more validated as a novice practitioner? \
[24:31] Where do we think we will find ourselves as EAP practitioners in the next 5/10/20 years?
[28:00] Voice notes from listeners
[30:11] Wrap up and how to get in touch