Jul 27 2022 18 mins
Hey everyone! No matter if you believe in marriage or not, I wanted to talk about this very Taboo topic with you! Of course, I give you some worldwide facts, discuss my opinion, give a storytime and challenge you in the end! Please take note of the websites I researched and pulled facts from as follows:
Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces; https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/marriages-and-divorces.html
Marriages and Divorces ;
Arranged Marriage Countries 2022 ;
What is the average length of a marriage in the UK? ;
Marriage Stats by Age, Race, State & Generation ;
I hope yall enjoyed this episode! Please be sure to reach out on other social media platforms with topics you would like me to research and discuss!
Instagram: @dayjamona
TikTok: @dayjamona
Youtube: dayjamona