Jan 09 2025 38 mins 4
This episode of Bee Love Beekeeping begins with our favorite (not) Jeff Foxworthy comedian telling us why YOU might be a beekeeper!
We then discuss Apitherapy, also known as Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) and some of it's possible medical benefits. Before trying apitherapy, make sure that you have done your homework, are not allergic to bee stings, and always have an EpiPen nearby.
Our guest on this episode is Justin Sanchez, Founder and CTO of Terra Vera. We discuss varroa mites and their new amino acid fogger that safely kills them.
It's all about the love of honey bees and beekeepers!
Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, Mann Lake! https://www.mannlakeltd.com/
Mann Lake discount code: MLBEELOVE10 for $10 off a $100 order.