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Oct 19 2024 130 mins   2

Haunt season 2024 is in full swing and the sounds of fear are in the air. Haunted houses

are terrifying customers, clowns are running rampant, and the smell of chainsaw

exhaust is in the air. What a glorious time to be alive. Whether you’re heading down the

street to see your favorite yard display, going across town to visit a local haunt, or

traveling across the country to see the biggest and scariest attractions in the country, let

the Big Scary Show, episode 326 keep you informed and entertained as we enjoy the

month of October.

Storm is ranting about home haunts coming alive and attacking people in a Haunt

Minute. Meathook Jim continues to discuss Ethnic Cleansing in Between the Corpses.

Badger reads the latest in Deadline News, as well as bringing us interviews from haunts

in NC and Virginia. The Old Crone goes on a ghost hunt, and we’re spinning some

spooky tunes courtesy of Midnight Syndicate.

The Roundtable of T error hates to bring it up, but the season is all too short, and we’re

talking about the end of the haunt season. We bring in Kris Zahrobsky from Transworld

to discuss the Legendary Haunt T our, a great way to celebrate the end of haunt season.

Come party with fellow haunters as they tour some legendary haunts in Ohio, (plus a

special trip to a legendary fruit farm). This is the perfect way to close out the 2024

season. All this, and so much more.

We hid the body, but you’ll become an accomplice just by listening to……..the BIG

SCARY SHOW, Episode 324. (and support your local haunts)

Featured music: (Midnight Syndicate)

Carnival of Carnage

Nocturn Aeternus

Winged Fury

Black Woods and on all streaming platforms.

#bigscaryshow #roundtableofterror