Aug 16 2024 34 mins
Join parent leader hosts Melvette Hill and Zulema Gomez on The Bold & The Brave Podcast as they dive into the current state of affairs, including the recent presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and current President Joseph Biden. They discuss the importance of debates in the democratic process, the implications of recent Supreme Court decisions, and the need for civic engagement at every level. Zulema and Melvette also touch upon their experiences at the most recent American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) conference where they presented on the importance of Language Justice. Additionally, they reflect on the complexities of celebrating Juneteenth and the 4th of July, especially in the context of the ongoing struggles for true freedom and equality. Zulema and Melvette close out the podcast discussing the role of libraries as civic spaces, and upcoming summer plans. Tune in for a thoughtful conversation on civic responsibilities, historical reflection, and future initiatives.