Dec 02 2024 64 mins
Book Besties Season 7 Episode 13: Icebreaker
In this episode, the Besties are back together to start a month of holiday romances, starting with Icebreaker by Hanna Grace. Join us as we debate substance vs. spice, question the length of this book, and decide they’re too old for this book. Listen April goes into an English nerd rant and Molly makes all words plural.
Things talked about in this episode:
- Josh Harris about I Kissed Dating Goodbye:
- LeBron James:
- A Merry Little Meet Cute:
Meet Molly and April, they bonded over books and became Book Besties. So, what do you do when you find your book bestie? Start a podcast of course. Hang out with April and Molly as they talk about everything they love and hate about books.