Mar 07 2025 81 mins 2
the year? 1996.
the place? the Grand Canyon.
the people? a troop of boyscouts and their group leaders.
the probems? a record-breaking heat wave, no water, rattlesnakes, scorpions, loose rocks and sheer cliffs, to name a few.
the odds? really, really not good.
in this special Patreon preview episode, Gen & Kait take a deep dive into a harrowing story of survival, bravery, and friendship from the show "I Shouldn't Be Alive" S2 Ep7: A Walk Through Hell
Lights Out Campers.
"I Shouldn't Be Alive" Season 2 Episode 7 (available to stream on Amazon Prime)
"BOYS RUSHED FOR WATER IN TRY TO SAVE SCOUT" By Deseret News, Jason Swensen and Matthew S. Bennett, staff writers. Published: June 8, 1996, 12:00 a.m. MDT