Sep 04 2024 15 mins 8
1. O Gregory, that once wast the apostle of the Angli, and now art a companion of the angels! protect now, as of old, the nations that believe in Christ.
2. Thou spurnest wealth and riches and all the glory of the world, that so thou, being poor, mayst follow the Lord Jesus, who was poor.
3. An angel presents himself to thee, in the garb of one that was shipwrecked, and asks an alms; thou first makest him a double gift, and then thou givest him a silver vase.
4. After this, Christ puts thee over his Church, for thou didst imitate the virtues, and now thou hast the honours, of Peter.
5. O excellent Pontiff! Light and ornament of the Church! Thou hast so richly instructed us, assist us in our dangers.
6. From thy lips there flows honey that brings sweetness to the heart. Thy. words are more fragrant than the richest perfume.
7. Admirably dost thou solve the obscure figures of sacred Writ. The divine mysteries are taught thee by him that is the very Truth.
8. O thou that hast the office and the glory of the apostles, pray for us, that we may be loosed from the bonds of sin, and obtain the thrones prepared for us above.
9. To the unbegotten Father, and to his only-begotten Son, and to the Spirit of them both be praise and highest kingship. Amen.