Oct 28 2022 28 mins
Learn 8 key ways to avoid the most common areas of litigation in this webinar with lots of examples (complete transcript appears below). Some details are specific to Texas, but the overall 8 points apply to every state.
Dave Miller, Regional Vice President with Fidelity National Home Warranty, talks to Tom O’Connell, an attorney with Gauntt, Koen, Binney & Kidd. Tom has been defending real estate professionals since 1986 and has been a valued member of the CRES legal panel for more than 20 years.
In this informative webinar, Dave and Tom discuss:
The pitfalls of being involved in transactions or taking on responsibilities beyond your expertise. How to decide if you should disclose something (including prior reports on a property)
How to include details of a property in marketing materials and protect yourself
How long should you keep client files
The importance of an attorney that specializes in real estate E&O should you have issues
When should you tell your E&O carrier about an issue?
How real estate E&O insurance can help you keep your real estate license
Tom shares real-life litigation scenarios from cases he has defended. He also provides valuable tips so you can minimize risk in your real estate business.