May 10 2024 45 mins 3
This week's Data B.R.O.S. shines the spotlight on Shannon Live of Bat City Comics Professionals who has an amazing program to encourage kids to read.
We talk about Shannon's secret origin, discuss the origins of Bat City Comics Professionals, their move from Austin, Texas to Bradenton, Florida, and the amazing thing that is BAM! Books Are Magic.
Shannon is passionate about both sequential storytelling AND getting kids to read, and she's got an amazing amount of stats, studys, and citations about the benefits of getting kids to read comics. Some might say she's got a TED talk worth of fact, she delivered a TEDx talk in Bradenton in 2023!
We think you'll really enjoy this awesome chat with Shannon Live.
- Bat City Comics Professionals
- BAM - Books Are Magic
- Your voice as a superpower | Shannon Live | TEDxBradenton
Thanks to our sponsor Murphy's Apple Juice, It's the shape, not the taste, but it's also the taste, which is pretty dang good.
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You can also visit The Comics Place in Bellingham Washington on their website, or visit them on Facebook and Instagram, or listen to their podcast - The Comics Place Presents on Apple Podcasts or Spotify