Nov 01 2024 33 mins 2
This week, on a very special Data B.R.O.S. - Jeff and Django are knee deep in The Comics Place hijinks so we're simulcasting an interview with Atom! Freeman about the Fan Confidence Rating that was recorded on Brian's Manage Comics podcast.
RETURN to the past exploits of Adam.
Look on in WONDER at the awesomeness that is the Fan Confidence Rating
Be AMAZED at the revolutionary view into the comics industry that this provides.
THRILL at two bald dudes talking data the way only bald dudes talking data can!
Thanks for listening to Data B.R.O.S., and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and join us next week as we keep exploring all things comics, data, and the retail world!
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Visit Brian and Manage Comics at @managecomics on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, as well as at
Visit Jeff, Django and Comic Shop Assistant at @comicshopassistant on Facebook or Instagram or visit their website at
You can also visit The Comics Place in Bellingham Washington on their website, or visit them on Facebook and Instagram, or listen to their podcast - The Comics Place Presents on Apple Podcasts or Spotify