Nov 08 2024 31 mins 3
***Please note, as pointed out in the intro, after recording the episode we realized we said "Skip Week" when we meant "Fifth Week", in your head please replace "Skip Week" with "5th Week".
The dreaded 5th week, what is it, why does it exist, how can we plan for it, and what do we do about it as retailers?
We'll dive deep into the 5th week and what can be done to mitigate its impact on your shop.
Episode Sponsor Shout-Outs:
This week, our episode is brought to you by Comico Comics, get Elementals #1 from Comico Comics from rising comics star Bill Willingham in better comic shops near you right now!
Thanks for listening to Data B.R.O.S., and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and join us next week as we keep exploring all things comics, data, and the retail world!
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Visit Jeff, Django and Comic Shop Assistant at @comicshopassistant on Facebook or Instagram or visit their website at
You can also visit The Comics Place in Bellingham Washington on their website, or visit them on Facebook and Instagram, or listen to their podcast - The Comics Place Presents on Apple Podcasts or Spotify