At the recent Kentucky Equine Research symposium, Dr. Wendy Pearson of the University of Guelph gave a comprehensive review of Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) in horses. Since questions about LGS arise frequently, I wanted to share some of that information, as well as some additional peer-reviewed information to talk about what LGS is, and what we do and don't know about it (which, unfortunately is a lot!) So if you've heard about "leaky gut," and aren't sure what it is or what the consequences are, tune in to find out.
Episode art, and some of the information in this episode, is from Stewart, et al., 2017. "Alterations in Intestinal Permeability: The role of the "leaky gut" in health and disease." Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 52, pp. 10-22.