In this podcast episode I discuss an article I recently saw labeled "Pa. schools won’t be required to adopt the ‘science of reading’ next year". This may not sound like a big deal to many but it's a huge deal!
We have decades of research on the most effective ways to teach children to read using the body of research the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy. This research uses language, neuroscience, and psychology to identify how our brain learns to read.
When I began implementing these strategies, I began to see upwards of 50% growth in my students reading abilities. Right now 68% of 4th graders can not read on grade level and 53% of adults can not read above a 6th grade level. There is a crisis in our country...
However, there are states like Pennsylvania that say they just don't have it in the budget to ensure your children learn how to read. If you want to take matters into your own hands and ensure your child gets the help they need check out all of the resources I have to support you and your child's literacy journey.
K3 Homeschool Foundations Resources
Science of Reading Simplified ECourse