Nov 15 2024 94 mins
Welcome everybody as the Fried RIce Podcast's Appreciation week continues as we focus on our oldest and closest to death member of the squad: Michael Larson!
Mike really took a liking to a movie we reviewed not that long ago: Crank 2006. What really grabbed Mike's attention was the main character, Chev Chelios, why? Becuase Chelios never fucking dies, and neither does Mike! A heart attack couldn't kill him 2 years ago, all of Andy's repeated attempts at murder haven't worked, he has somehow found a way to outlive us all and you should be as terrified as the rest of us here at the pod. If there is someone out there that knows how to kill what can't be killed, please help us.
The movie this week is Crank: High Voltage 2009, the much nee.... the much reque..... the sequel to Crank 2006. It's more high-octane action than you can handle, and that's just the podcast!
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(don't worry, Andy isn't sitting in his room, waiting by his phone like it's the 90s, just fiddling with the long chord, watching "Black Lightning"...)