Dec 01 2024 14 mins 2
St. Isidore Capital Campaign website:
- Today, I want to speak to you about glory.
- It’s the second Sunday in a row that we have a Gospel about the Last Judgment.
- Typically, when we think of the LJ, we think of a terrifying spectacle, where the world will be consumed in fire, where everyone on the earth will die, where all nations and towns will be wiped away. No more Denver, no more NYC, no more USA.
- It is true that the LJ will be a day of wrath, a day of trembling and mourning.
- But it will be a blessed day for the saints. It will be the day that they enter into their glory, body and soul.
- It is the day that Our Lord will say to them, “Well done, good and faithful servant, come take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.”
- This is what we want to happen to us on that day. We want to hear Our Lord say to us that He is going to give us possession of a kingdom.
- We should want to receive as much glory as possible on that day. It is good for us to desire heavenly glory!
- But it is not enough to desire it; we must also ask ourselves what we must do to receive it.
- This is a “thought experiment” that St. Ignatius has us do when we are on retreat.
- When I appear before OL one day for my judgment, what will I wish that I had done?
- What things will I have done that I will be glad about?
- What things will I have done that I wish I did not do?
- What things will I have left undone that I wish I had accomplished?