'House of the Dragon' S02 E04 - The Red Dragon and the Gold: Discussion & Predictions

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Jul 09 2024 88 mins  

Sam and Maddy are back - or temporarily known as Samyra & Ser Blackwood This Backwould.

We've got a long one folks, but not surprisingly. Lots of shit went down and the Dance of Dragons has officially begun. We are sad, terrified, and self-medicating as we see fit,

We discuss Aegon II and his bullshit, Criston and his bullshit, and Aemond and his bullshit.. amongst more important tinga like, Rhaenys and her legacy, the health & future of the realm, Rhaenyra's shit counsel, the babes serving face and more.

Folloe up on @hbhoespod on IG for more commentary.