Jul 11 2024 25 mins
For a list of 40+ questions to help you and your partner build a safe environment to discuss finances, visit our website https://link.moderncrm.org/widget/form/npZAtY1qMBC21ZHo9wpp. Remember, your kids are watching and learning from how you handle money, so be an example even if it feels uncomfortable.
Welcome to the Divine Reconnection Podcast with Lauren and Natalie! In this episode, we dive deep into the complex and often challenging topic of finances in relationships. We explore how money can impact intimacy, communication, and overall connection between partners. Through personal anecdotes and expert advice, we provide practical tips on how to open up conversations about money, set healthy boundaries, and overcome financial insecurities together.
Main Topics Discussed:
1. The energy of money and how it affects self-worth, and relationship dynamics.
2. The importance of transparency and open communication about finances in relationships.
3. Setting and respecting financial boundaries with your partner.
4. Strategies for creating a safe space to discuss money matters.
5. Practical questions and exercises to foster healthy financial conversations in relationships.
Additional Resources: For a list of 14 questions to help you and your partner build a safe environment to discuss finances, visit our website [link in description]. Remember, your kids are watching and learning from how you handle money, so be an example even if it feels uncomfortable.
Join us as we navigate through these essential conversations to strengthen your relationship and financial well-being.
If you struggle with disconnection in your relationship and are ready to learn how to navigate through it without it destroying your relationship...
▶▶ Book a 1-on-1 Relationship Coaching Call w/ Lauren + Nat: https://www.laurenandnat.com/coaching
▶▶ View our conscious healing resources for couples & individuals: https://www.laurenandnat.com/resources
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