Sep 01 2024 25 mins
In this episode of the Holistic Hormone Podcast, we explore why traditional thyroid testing often falls short of providing a complete picture of thyroid health. Many people find their TSH and T4 levels are "normal," yet they still experience symptoms like fatigue and brain fog. We discuss how focusing solely on these tests can overlook crucial factors like the conversion of T4 to the active hormone T3 and the role of the liver in this process. Additionally, we examine why the conventional medical model is reluctant to order comprehensive thyroid panels, including T3, free T3, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies. These additional tests are vital for uncovering autoimmune thyroid conditions and understanding the body's overall hormonal balance. By considering these aspects, we can address the root causes of thyroid imbalances rather than just managing symptoms with medication. Join us as we dive into the limitations of standard testing and set the stage for holistic strategies to support thyroid health in the next episode.
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