Sep 15 2024 22 mins
In the final installment of our three-part series on holistic thyroid health, join me, Eleanor Duelley, on the Holistic Hormone Podcast as we delve into holistic strategies for thyroid and cellular health. We'll recap the importance of understanding the full thyroid system and comprehensive testing from Parts 1 and 2. In this episode, we explore the necessity of a full thyroid panel, emphasizing T3 and free T3, and uncover the role of tyrosine in thyroid hormone production. We also provide practical tips for supporting liver and mitochondrial health, such as incorporating selenium and milk thistle supplements, and making lifestyle changes to boost energy production. As we conclude, I empower you to seek comprehensive testing and holistic support, encouraging women to reach beyond medication. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with your body and take charge of your thyroid health. Visit my website for resources, personalized guidance, and to subscribe to the podcast. Share your thoughts and leave a review to let us know how this series has impacted you!
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