May 29 2024 47 mins 1
College Admissions in 2024: Rising Tuition, Standardized Testing, Politics, Affirmative Action, Achievement Culture, the FAFSA, and So Much More. How Do Jesuit Schools Navigate the Continually Changing Landscape of Higher Education Enrollment?
In this episode, we speak with Patrick Gallagher, Director of College Counseling at Gonzaga College High School in Washington DC, and a long-time enrollment professional with robust experience on both sides of the admissions desk. The topic of college admissions has been in the news in a myriad of ways this academic year – from standardized testing, affirmative action and rising tuition costs, to FAFSA upheaval and the intersection of politics on the admissions process. We will explore how this has been experienced in the College Counseling offices at the Jesuit secondary level, as counseling professionals work to support the needs of the students in their care.