Jun 21 2024 37 mins
OMG I'm still in Italy at the moment and this is a film by an ITALIAN director wow this is fate so this is a super long gangster epic like at least almost sort of four hours long and it's by Sergio Leone who was the cool guy who did THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY but this one is all set in 1930s New York and oh good lord how do I explain this really it's basically just a big epic crime saga about this guy named Noodles who is super shady because he's a gangster duh and it follows his life and his relationship with his childhood friends and this girl he's always loved and he gets involved in a lot of shady stuff and surprise Joe Pesci is in it too and a little Jennifer Connelly and the music's really good.
TRAILER: https://youtu.be/wvYhgc8dMeg