Jan 10 2025 89 mins 5
Josh Sheldon from E Tournament Fishing joins the JMO Podcast. Josh and his fishing partners have come together to create a reliable and easy to use phone app to run fishing tournaments through. This app is designed by anglers for anglers and will continue to evolve as needed to stay on the cutting edge of online fishing tournament apps. We hear the back story of the development on this project in this interview as well as deep dive into what E Tournament Fishing is all about.
Ships Wheel Resort - https://www.shipswheelresort.com
Twin Island Sleepers - https://www.twinislandsleepers.com
Summit Fishing Equipment - https://summitfishingequipment.com
Flop Box - https://mght.co/JMO
JT Outdoor Products - https://jtodp.com
Risovi Taxidermy Studio - www.risovitaxidermystudio.com
Lake Of The Woods - https://lakeofthewoodsmn.com
Website - www.jmopodcast.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JMOFishingPodcast
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the_jmopodcast/