Jan 26 2025 89 mins
- News:
- Shot Show: Star of the Show https://www.crkt.com/axe/provokex-axe?srsltid=AfmBOopHH2xj02jkEQnU29kULLlg354FB6s_wQgQKj652bld_UBFQEoS
- Mag Pull and Additive Manufacturing: https://www.bladehq.com/item--Magpul-Breslau-Knife-Black-Polymer--211351?srsltid=AfmBOooPRkvdkzzlV4v_hA-276zI9FxEfAUaDL2A30j3sBaT5NqefM9k
- Wilmont/Bear Creak Arsenal Collab: https://www.bearcreekarsenal.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Wilmont
- Alex Steingraber’s Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@SPK_ULTD_LLC
- Tim Horan: https://www.arizonacustomknives.com/products/138946/
- Show and Tell: AK-47 Bayonet, Type 1
- Overcoming "Can’t Never Could" Mentality
- Questions:
- What’s your favorite part of the making process? Design, grinding, finishing, etc.
- Knife Collections? And what are we carrying?
- Where the Sodbusters at? Or rather when are they coming back? - Sam McNees Knives Info
- mcneesknives.com
- @mcneesknives Instagram
- McNees Knives on FacebookBoatright Bladeworks Info
- boatrightbladeworks.bigcartel.com
- @boatrightbladeworks on Instagram
Podcast Email for questions, ideas, etc.