Learning from Machine Learning, a podcast that explores more than just algorithms and data: Life lessons from the experts. This episode we welcome Vincent Warmerdam, creator of calmcode, and machine learning engineer at SpaCy to discuss Data Science, models and much more. @learningfrommachinelearning
Resources to learn more about Vincent Warmerdam:
References from the Episode:
You Look Like a Thing and I Love You: How Artificial Intelligence Works and Why It's Making the World a Weirder Place https://amzn.to/3Jt1qjX
The Future of Operational Research is Past https://ackoffcenter.blogs.com/files/the-future-of-operational-research-is-past.pdf
Supervised Learning is great - it's data collection that's broken https://explosion.ai/blog/supervised-learning-data-collection
Deon - An ethics checklist for data scientists https://deon.drivendata.org/
Hadley Wickham - https://hadley.nz/
Katharine Jarmul - https://www.linkedin.com/in/katharinejarmul/?originalSubdomain=de
Vicki Boykis - https://vickiboykis.com/
Brett Victor - https://youtu.be/8pTEmbeENF4
Resources to learn more about Learning from Machine Learning: