We started young and it still took us 5 years to conceive our first child - With Leticia (unexplained infertility, miscarriage, IVF)

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Jul 12 2023 61 mins   1
Leticia and her husband did all the right things, even started pre-conception care where her doctor told her that she is young and will fall pregnant in a flash.Yet after 12 months of trying, with no positive pregnancy tests, they decided to enlist the help of a fertility specialist. After the general fertility testing, where nothing showed of concern, Leticia started on letrozole and fell pregnant after her second month of trying. Unfortunately, after 5 days, she started bleeding and had a spontaneous miscarriage.Another 2 years pass and there are no positive pregnancy tests to be found. The letrozole was proving ineffective, so their fertility specialist conducted more testing and it was found that the morphology and motility of the sperm was less than ideal. It was at this time they decided to move onto IVF.Her first cycle produced 2 embryos, both resulting in failed cycles.After moving to a private IVF clinic in 2020, they gave Leticia a more tailored approach to her protocol and her body responded really well, they got 9 embryo’s from that found and after the first transfer, she fell pregnant with her daughter.Leticia was diagnosed with post-natal anxiety and it’s so brave of her to share, but it’s also so common within the infertility community that our fear and anxiety can carry through to after the baby is born.Once Leticia got her period back after the birth of her daughter, it was coming every 2 weeks. When she had it investigated, her ovaries looked textbook polycystic.In late 2022, they did another embryo transfer, but sadly it didn’t take and all the feelings of disappointment came flooding back from all those years of trying.What I love about Leticia, is that it took her 4 years to fall pregnant and have a baby, yet she felt so lucky and grateful that she fell pregnant on her third cycle of IVF.Be sure to check out Leticia’s newly released workbook “Tired of Trying to Conceive” An interactive workbook filled with writing, drawing and colouring exercises.https://instagram.com/tiredoftryingtoconceive?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRloQ==https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0C9S7K125/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2DH3K37A6HSQI&keywords=leticia+robers&qid=1688281423&sprefix=leticia+roberts%2Caps%2C264&sr=8-1Make sure you follow the Messy in the Middle Instagram page: https://instagram.com/_messyinthemiddle_?igshid=NTdlMDg3MTY=And if you want to share your story, please get in contact with me either through the Instagram page or email me at [email protected]