SEASON FINALE Ep#18 Charlotte Love - On her creative journey to styling, her quirky faces and juggling motherhood and freelance life

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Aug 06 2023 57 mins   1

Today's episode is the last one of Season 1 of the Mimi podcast and it's a great one! I am chatting with Charlotte Love, a stylist and image-maker from the UK. You've probably seen her faces on Instagram - quirky and funny compositions she makes by adding eyes onto random objects. But Charlotte doesn't just make faces, she's also a very accomplished stylist whose journey is fascinating. In our chat, we discuss what lent her to styling, how much she loves it and what crazy cool experiences she's had along the way. We also talk about her faces, when she first started doing them and how she navigates wearing multiple creative hats - styling and image-making. It was such a fun conversation and I think a lovely way to end this first season of the Mimi podcast. I really hope you enjoyed all the episodes and hopefully I'll see you soon!

Thanks for listening!

Edit by Melanie Johnsson

Music by The Big Let Down - Sojourney