Oct 30 2024 90 mins 6
This fortnight, we're back with a real Vaubanarama of a Great Site from the Maritimes, taking a trip across the Bay of Fundy thanks to a listener request. We're headed to Annapolis Royal and Port-Royal, no wait, Charles Fort, no wait, the fort at Port-Royal, no wait, Fort Anne! with Becki Dunham, Parks Canada Terrestrial Archaeologist. We talk about the Mi'kmaq presence in Annapolis River area, the various iterations of the fort, public archaeology at Fort Anne, and robotic lawnmowers. We also suggest opening the Mappanapolis splash for a visual queue to fully immerse yourself in this installment of the Great Sites series.
Great Citations
- 1702 Plan du fort du Port Royal à La Cadie [et] Cours de la Riviere du Dauphin, autrement dite le Port Royal http://anom.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/ulysse/notice?q=&coverage=Acadie&date=&from=&to=&type=Carte+ou+plan&mode=list&page=3&hpp=10&id=FR_ANOM_03DFC60B.
- Deal, M., Campbell, J., & Tapper, B. (2022). Archaeology and the Meanderings of the Annapolis River: A View from the Boswell Site. Canadian Journal of Archaeology, 46(1), 52–99. https://doi.org/10.51270/46.1.52
- Dunn, Barbara (2009). History of Port Royal/Annapolis Royal 1605–1800. Nimbus Publishing, Halifax.
- Parks Canada's Fort Anne Visitor Guide
- Fry, Bruce W. (1984). ‘An appearance of strength’: the Fortifications of Louisbourg – Volumes 1 and 2. Ottawa, Parks Canada. Vol. 1 (text); Vol. 2 (maps/images)
- Goldthwait, J.W. (1924). Physiography of Nova Scotia. Canada Department of Mines, Geological Survey Memoir 140, No. 122, Geological Series. Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, Ottawa.
- Griffiths, N. E. S., & Reid, J. G. (1992). New Evidence on New Scotland, 1629. The William and Mary Quarterly, 49(3), 492–508. https://doi.org/10.2307/2947108
- Mapannapolis – https://www.mapannapolis.ca/
- Rudolph R. Stea and Robert J. Mott (1998). Deglaciation of Nova Scotia: Stratigraphy and chronology of lake sediment cores and buried organic sections. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, vol. 52(1):1–19
Sponsors: APANB, ULeth SSHRC Exchange
Producer: Emanuel Akel LinkedIn