Feb 17 2025 28 mins 4
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Link to Mark Singer’s New Yorker article about Joyce Hatto: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/09/17/fantasia-for-piano
Link to Jed’s Between the Keys episode featuring recordings stolen for Joyce Hatto releases: https://www.wwfm.org/show/between-the-keys-with-jed-distler/2024-06-13/rejoyce-hatto-that-is
Link to a David Hurwitz editorial about the Hatto scandal that’s still very relevant to collectors: https://www.classicstoday.com/the-hatto-affair-a-victimless-crime/
Link to Farhan Malik’s Joyce Hatto identifications page: http://www.farhanmalik.com/hatto/main.html
Link to video documentary about the Joyce Hatto scandal (with a tiny cameo from Jed!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKH1X3Tg_b4&t=1s