Lessons learned:
- create compelling spectacles / know how to entertain
- when attempting to secure a deal, first highlight the points that the other party will like - being comfortable talking is a skill that helps in sales
- Trump prefers earth tones to primary colors (for building decorations)
- nailing costs is the name of the game in real estate development
- speak directly to the owner/manager if you want your case handled with more expediency and competence
- always be willing to walk away
- put pressure on mid-level staff by emphasizing the high expectations set with the owner/manager at project iniatiation
- remind the other party why you are, and potentially will continue to be, a great partner for business - be determined and unfazed by (corporate) scare tactics
- speak up your mind
- cultivate great relationships for character references, with people you sincerely admire
- be efficient; your family life demands will require you to level up in efficiency
- set golf dates (or other outdoor informal entertainment) on weekends, with current & prospective business partners
- have extremely high standards, for your career and your personal life
- encourage people who work for you to keep up the good work, and directionally, to work harder
- sometimes, with some people, less (talk) is more
- again, don't give up on your extremely high standards and ambitions ("I tell the guy on the phone that I’m still interested in a plane, but that he should keep his eye out for a 727, which is what I really want.")
- follow-up.
- in general, be kind, courteous, and generous with your time
[and that wraps it for a first week at