Apr 16 2024 67 mins 1
This week on the podcast, Meghan talks with Mandy Taylor and Lexie Knick two teachers from Fairborn High School who lead the Environmental Club and are also members of the Fairborn Environmental Advisory Board (FEAB). They discuss what the Environmental Club does, the club's involvement in Arbor Day along with the Environmental Branch of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and finally we discuss Mandy and Lexie's role on FEAB and the celebration planned for Earth Day with BW Greenway.
The conversation is insightful and entertaining at times, we hope you enjoy! Happy Earth Week. 🌎🌳
Show Notes:
"Environmentally Friendly Things to do at Home"
- Recycle
- Composting
- Create a Rain Barrel
- Plant native plants in your yard (start small)
- Use re-usable cups or reusable water bottle instead of plastic
- Turn off the lights
- Pay attention to food packaging - can you reuse