240 – A Second Wind : U-Turns

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Oct 28 2024 79 mins  

We’ve all heard the term second wind. What does it mean and what are its implications for our running? Also, what do you do when things don’t go your way, and you have to make a U-turn? Dean and Mitchell answer those question and more.

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Post of the Week - Ashley Daly - #seethelight

Run of the Week - We’ve got the country covered

Trivia answer of the week

Overcoming performance anxiety

Story of the Week - A Second Wind: Let God Breathe New Life into Your Spirit - Rhonda Williams

Hebrews 12:3 - Where’s your focus?

1 Corinthians 15:58 - God can use anything

Isaiah 40:31 - Why the regressive list?

Ever felt you were in a rut physically or spiritually? How did you break out of it?

I repeat Isaiah 40:31 when I am struggling during a race. What is your verse or mantra and why did you choose it?

Do you feel you need a second wind? Try something new! Brainstorm ideas to breathe new life into your service for God and don’t forget to pray.

Calculating training paces and executing them

Dean’s Thoughts - U-Turns - How do you react when things don’t go the way you expect?

Why running/walking is so awesome

Women’s marathon world record

Trivia Question of the Week

Motivational Thought of the Week