Dec 19 2024 73 mins 37
On this weeks episode Allie is joined by Damian Hall - you say consistency, he he says consistant TEA. LOLZ.
There's quite a lot of chat about Allie's recent outing on the Winter Downs 200, and Damo's experience of crewing her (he's been offered counselling) but we're staying relevant here and chatting about how to maintain a consistent pace and why it's important to do the basics well on these long, long efforts. We've also got some great questions from you guys - keep them coming please - and Damo offers us his take on what consistency means to him, which is actually surprisingly useful.
There's also an update from our Experiment Gemma which we will chat about next week and some exciting news about a new Spine race.
Please send us your questions and conundrums and let us know what you think about consistency via our Instagram (@runningwontsaveyoupod) or on email [email protected].
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