Anytime God makes a covenant with man, He sets out the details of the covenant and man's duty is to obey the details of that covenant. We see this in the Adamic Covenant -Genesis 3:15, God's Covenant with Noah, symbolised by the giving of a rainbow (Genesis 9), the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12. And God's Covenant with the world through Israel by the given of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19 and 20). He always spells out the details and we either obey or disobey. Today God has a covenant with humanity , the Bible calls it the New Covenant. In this covenant He still gives us all of His Ten Commandments leaving out no details. He goes on to promise us His Holy Spirit who will take the ten Commandments and write them on the tablets of our hearts, enabling us to obey them through His Grace.