Aug 21 2024 195 mins
We’re back stronger than ever, powered by beers from Anya’s favorite snack: Peanuts! Peanuts ! Peanuts! That’s right! Steven, our resident anime expert, is back to talk about the biggest anime at the moment: Spy Family! This episode has been in the works for quite some time and it was important for us to deliver, and deliver we did with more than three hours worth of content! We wanna warn you that there will be MINOR SPOILERS of the manga near the end since we were getting pretty drunk off those hefty beers ! We will also cover the full two first seasons of the anime so be ready for some SPOILERS for these. Apart from that, enjoy! We had a blast making this episode and can’t wait to have Steven back on the air!
For the lineup, it was important for us to highlight the impressive work made by artisans with a very particular ingredient not commonly used in beers: peanuts. We drank a Stella Artois as a joke for the prized achievement on the show but we wanted to put an accent on the way craft brewers were able to use this particular ingredient in a creative and meaningful way. The first beer we drank was probably one of the most iconic peanut stouts in Quebec, the Stout aux Arachides from the microbrewery Beauregard. We then followed up with their more dessert-inspired and decadent version of the beer: the Arachides Chocolat. Then came another titan of the Quebec microbrewery scene concerning peanut beers: the Imperial P-Nut Buster from the microbrewery Brewskey. Finally, we finished with a newcomer, the: Nuit Noir de l’Âme from the microbrewery Les Bières Philosophales. We went into extensive detail talking about the relevance and taste notes of all those beers so make sure to listen till the end to consume all this delicious information.
As always, happy listening, and cheers!