Dec 02 2024 31 mins
As the year draws to a close, now is the time we start setting fitness goals and thinking about implementing lifestyle changes. That's great! But if you've struggled with body image or insecurities like me, before we hit the gym, we have to hit our knees. Before we prep our meals, we need to prep our hearts. In this deeply personal episode, I’m finally sharing my story of overcoming struggles with body image, body dysmorphia, and the insecurities that held me captive for years. For the longest time, I struggled with my self-worth, allowing the number on a scale and societal standards of beauty to define how I saw myself. But through God's grace and guidance, I've learned that true transformation starts from within — believing that I was created in God's image. That truth must be what motivates us. We're temples of the Living God! I pray this episode encourages you to invite Jesus into your health and wellness journey, allowing Him to correct any lies you may believe and fully heal all wounds that you may carry. I love you! So much! Be blessed, friends.