One of the hardest positions I've ever found myself in is knowing something is so close, yet still having to remain more patient and hopeful than ever before. Whether it be starting a family, getting a new job, marrying the love of your life, or for the second coming of Christ, every Christian on planet earth is waiting for something. Heck the Bible even tells us creation itself is groaning as it eagerly looks forward to the return of Jesus (Romans 8:20-23)!! So now the question is... How do we live in this tension? While our emotions may try to deceive us into believing He isn't a Promise Keeper, how do we grow closer to God in this "not yet"? Well, I have some thoughts... and from personal experience it requires more vulnerability and honesty with God than you might've ever imagined. In the midst of every trial, waiting, and wilderness, relationship with Jesus is the only way we'll make it through. I pray this episode leaves you feeling hopeful and excited to live life with God in every circumstance. I love you!!! Be blessed, sweet friends.