Sep 14 2023 103 mins
On this week's episode of The Bogart Podcast, Dave and Nate gave Evan crap about drinking non-alcoholic beer. Evan and Dave tell us about the care packages they sent each other during covid. Evan is looking into a log cabin key. The crew talk about something exciting that happened to the show. Hollywood actors make Evan mad, Dave thinks his neighbor may have died, and Nate talks about a murder at his old apartment complex. We also have a special movie review from Jessie White.The Bogart Podcast is a show between two high school friends, Evan Bogart, Nate Tooley and David Parshall. The two sit down and talk about events from the previous week, as well as other topics. Be sure to check out the merch page and pick up some swag to support our show!Email the show [email protected]Youtube - Beer Pirate RadioInstagram - evanbogart1080Facebook - The Bogart