Dec 22 2024 136 mins 1
On this episode of The Hunter Association, we are going over the second (and final) Hunter x Hunter movie: "The Last Mission"! Our audience warned us of the terrible fate that awaited us, but I don't think either of us expected to be tested this much. Join us as we discuss this horrible abomination that tries to call itself "Hunter x Hunter". What even is the "last mission", anyway?
Please note that this giveaway is only open to US and Canadian residents at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Intro and News: 00:00:00
Movie Recap and Discussion: 00:09:15
Viewer/Listener Comments: 01:42:39
Ending: 02:13:45
Video version available at:
Kaige - @Kaiige10
Dylan - @DJTengen
Show Information
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Email - [email protected]