Oct 23 2024 13 mins 2
We stand trial before a mighty Lord, who is the final Judge. We are covered in sin and guilt, its all over us, the evidence is undeniable. Yet, when it is time for the verdict to be read, "INNOCENT" is what is declared, made righteous by the work of Christ, who now stands in our place before the Righteous Judge.
And we walk out of that courtroom free men and women. There is now no more condemnation. Jesus and all in Him is OURS!
Join us on your lunch break today as we spend time on the 4th and final verse of "And Can It Be'.
Today's recording of our hymn:
And Can It Be
Composed by Nathan Heston
Performed by Back Creek Music
©2024 The Lunch Break Hymn Sing
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Theme Song "The Lunch Break" written and performed by Nathan Heston
"The Lunch Break Hymn Sing" artwork by Micheal Foster @fosteranimation
Frank Aiken is the Music Ministry Lead At Back Creek ARP in Charlotte, NC
Ben Ressler is the Associate Pastor at Providence PCA in Concord, NC
Follow us on Social Media - https://linktr.ee/TheLunchBreakHymnSing