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To rent fantastic space and take advantage of the "penthouse suite" in Central Park East building on the Orem/Provo border, email [email protected]. We are grateful for their support of the podcast.
In this episode Gerrit Dirkmaat and Kerry explore the translation of the Book of Mormon. They analyze the sources from which we can learn anything, and teach how to evaluate them. They help us think through what it means to be a seer, the nature of having seer stones like the Urim and Thummim, and what we know about Joseph's translation. They help us see things from the point of view of people from Joseph's time, place, and culture, and help us understand the divinely aided translation of this sacred book.
We are grateful for our generous donors who make the podcast possible. We are also grateful to Launchpad Consulting Studios for producing the podcast and to Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.