Nov 18 2024 29 mins 2
God is releasing a brave new anointing and strategy into the world to rebuild and restore! Prophets Emma Stark and Sam Robertson release a vibrant prophetic word on the wonderful anointing God wants to put in your life.
For those on the move, those rebuilding the walls, those who are repairing for God’s kingdom - don’t miss this dynamic prophetic episode!
Learn to identify and kick out demonic influences affecting your life and reclaim your spiritual authority with Emma Stark’s powerful Demonbusting 2 ecourse. Visit to become equipped to fight spiritual battles with confidence and Biblical wisdom. It’s time to step into spiritual authority!
We’re building a home for our growing movement of prophetic warriors like you! Will you join us financially in creating a visionary resource centre? This centre will serve as a broadcast and recording facility, creating cutting edge content of truth and training to the world. Visit to donate today.