Dec 09 2024 41 mins 4
Are you being called into a place of spiritual authority? Will you make decisions as Christ makes decisions, in line with the heart of God?
Join Emma Stark, Sam Robertson and Louise Reid to discover the difference between spiritual authority and worldly influence, why God is calling some into the seats of spiritual governmental authority and why the gift of discernment of spirits is vital in this time.
Learn to identify and kick out demonic influences affecting your life and reclaim your spiritual authority with Emma Stark’s powerful Demonbusting 2 ecourse. Visit to become equipped to fight spiritual battles with confidence and Biblical wisdom. It’s time to step into spiritual authority!
We’re building a home for our growing movement of prophetic warriors like you! Will you join us financially in creating a visionary resource centre? This centre will serve as a broadcast and recording facility, creating cutting edge content of truth and training to the world. Visit to donate today.