Jun 27 2021 44 mins
Bev interviews Dr. Naomi Murphy on her experiences as a consultant clinical and forensic psychologist in England. She is currently Clinical Director of a specialist unit in a high secure English prison where she was responsible for devising a treatment programme for men identified as ”untreatable psychopaths”. This program is now into its 18th year of successfully treating this population. Dr Murphy’s main treatment focus has been working with people with extensive histories of trauma, many of whom have also committed acts of extreme physical or sexual violence.
Dr Murphy is co-host of Locked Up Living Podcast (https://lockedupliving.podbean.com) which explores barriers and support to well-being and resilience for those who live and work in locked environments. She is also co-founder of Performpsychology.org who specialise in neuroscience-derived transformational packages that empower individuals to maximise their well-being and optimise their performance across all areas of their life.
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