Nov 20 2024 17 mins
The meeting of Sun and Moon in sidereal Scorpio is often one of the toughest New Moons in a year - for not only Moon becomes debilitated in Scorpio and therefore starving (Kshudhita Avastha), but in conjuction with Sun also becomes combust and agitated (Kshobhita Avastha).
Additionally, this year debilitated Moon will be in parivartan yoga with Mars debilitated in Cancer. Both Sun and Moon will be also conjuct with retrograde Mercury, aspected by retrograde Jupiter and Saturn agitated by the aspect of debilitated Mars. Needless to say, such an intrinsic connection between almost all of the Navagrahas will bring a lot of intensity and mixed feelings into our lives.
You can hear me dividing deeper into all the juicy details of the energies that upcoming New Moon is going to bring into our lives in today’s podcast.
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