Jan 24 2025 51 mins
With fresh, clean water a critical resource for life on earth, balanced ecosystems are essential for keeping our communities healthy and safe. We spend time with John Jackson, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist with the Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale, Pennsylvania. We speak at length about the challenges that winter road salt poses to our local ecosystems. We hear of a number of the in-depth research projects going on at the Stroud Center and learn how John and his colleagues are engaging with their local communities to educate and inform about important water issues affecting our region.
Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Stroud Water Research Center
- Website: stroudcenter.org
- Research Team: stroudcenter.org/research
- Education Team: stroudcenter.org/education
- Restoration Team: stroudcenter.org/restoration
- Facebook: facebook.com/stroudcenter
- Instagram: instagram.com/stroudcenter
- YouTube: youtube.com/stroudcenter
- Careers: stroudcenter.org/jobs
- Newsletter sign-up
John Jackson, Ph. D.
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/john-jackson-a78190b9
- Stroud Center website: stroudcenter.org/people/jackson
- John’s publications on Google Scholar
Local Nonprofits
- Brandywine Conservancy: brandywine.org
- Brandywine Red Clay Alliance: brandywineredclay.org
- Natural Lands: natlands.org
- The Nature Conservancy: nature.org
- Willistown Conservation Trust: wctrust.org
- Berks Nature: berksnature.org
- Green Valleys Watershed Association: greenvalleys.org
- Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy: perkiomenwatershed.org
- Valley Forge Trout Unlimited: valleyforgetu.org
Local Universities
- West Chester University: wcupa.edu
- Millersville University: millersville.edu
- University of Delaware: udel.edu
Additional Links
The full transcript for this episode will be posted as soon as it is available.