Feb 17 2022 39 mins
Q: How do you get the best value out of your business when you’re ready to exit?
Q: How do you get the best value out of your business while you’re still running it?
A: Good News! We can use the same work to meet both outcomes!
As entrepreneurs & business owners, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the doing. This puts both the day-to-day operational performance and our long-term value generation (exit value) out of focus.
The ‘doing’ is important. In fact, it’s critical, it’s what our customers pay for. What is getting done to serve customers pays for salaries, rent, utilities, raw materials, and everything else.
Set aside the day-to-day operation and there are two values that may seem more abstract. You know they’re important but the operations side of things always seems to pull you away.
Value During Ownership
Value on Exit
[email protected]
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