Mar 04 2025 21 mins
If your team isn’t duplicating, it’s not because they don’t want to—it’s because you’re not asking them to! Most network marketers lose customers within 30 days because they’re afraid to ask them to share. In this episode, I’m breaking down my PLP Method (Post, Live, Party)—a simple system that gets new customers excited to share, helps them start earning free products, and naturally leads to more duplication in your business.
If you’re tired of chasing people and wondering why no one is growing, this is the episode you need. Tune in now and start seeing real results!
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I’m here to show you how to get to your next rank. The best part is that you won’t need to lose your friends, ruin family relationships, or kill yourself working 24/7 and hit burnout to make it to the top. You don’t have to have a giant network or be savvy with social media. It’s not that it’s going to be all rainbows and daisies, but it will not be as hard for you as it was for me because you will have me to show you a better way. I can get you there safely and faster, and that’s what you really want. You ready?